


The annual Junior Dance will be held on Thursday, April 11, according to the announcement made last night by the President of the Class of 1919 and the Chairman of the Dance Committee. As usual the dance will be given in the Living Room of the Union and will last from 9 until 3 o'clock.

Henry Munroe '19, of Tuxedo Park, N. Y., has been appointed secretary of the dance committee to succeed Willard Wise McLeod '19, who has left College to enter the aviation service. The other officers of the committee are William Rice Odell, Jr., '19, of Chicago, III., chairman, and George Abbott Brownell '19, of New York, N. Y., treasurer. The remaining members of the committee are divided into the four sub-committees named below.

Economy to be Keynote.

The dance this winter will be given on a far more economical basis than in previous years, and whatever profit is made will be turned over to the Red Cross.

Blanks will be sent out this week to all members of the Junior Class, who are urged to reply as soon as possible. Each man will send the name of his partner, to whom the committee will send an invitation. When answering these blanks members of the Junior


Unsigned ballots were thrown out; incorrectly marked ballots were not counted for the particular office involved.

The Class Committee, which is also the Executive Committee, has charge of all business connected with the class after graduation. It decides how the funds shall be spent and arranges meetings and reunions. The Secretary, the Treasurer, Frederick Howard Stephens, and the three Marshals, George Almy Percy, William James Murray and John Merryman Franklin, are ex officio members of the Executive Committee.

The Class Day Committee takes charge of all plans for Class Day which comes this year on June 22 or 23
