

Government Should Finance War by Increasing Taxation, Not by Bonds, Subject.

The subject for the triangular debate between the University, Yale and Princeton proposed by Yale last Tuesday has been rejected by Princeton. A new subject has been accepted by all three universities, and the final wording received by the management here yesterday in a telegram from Princeton is as follows:

"Resolved, That, for the financing of the war, the Government should adopt a policy of increasing each year the proportion of funds to be raised by taxes rather than by bonds."

The University management has telegraphed to Yale and Princeton asking that the debate be postponed a week until March 29 because of the late choice of a question. Whether or not the proposal is accepted will probably be known some time today.

If the debate is held on March 22 as originally planned, the teams will only have 12 days in which to prepare, as compared with six weeks in former years.

Princeton's objection to the question: "Resolved, That the Government should limit the free expression of opinion, that is, free speech of press and assembly in war-time," was on the ground that the subject was undebatable,--that there was no negative.


The change in the question means that the work which the University team has done in the past five days will have to be discarded. The first meeting to discuss plans for the new subject was held last night, and there will be debates every evening beginning tonight.
