President Lowell, Dean Yeomans and B. Preston Clark, of the Plymouth Cordage Company, will address a mass meeting open to the entire University in the New Lecture Hall next Friday evening, March 15, at 7.30 o'clock. The purpose of this meeting is to arouse undergraduate interest in the problems of reconstruction after the war, and the relation of successful College work to the part which the present University undergraduate may play in such reconstruction.
If sufficient interest is shown at this mass meeting, it is planned to organize a number of discussion groups under the supervision of University professors. These groups will meet at stated intervals to consider various phases of war problems. Professors from many different departments of the University have been secured for this work and, although the field in each group will be general students will be permitted to be under a professor whose particular subject appeals to them most.
It is also hoped that through this mass meeting the undergraduates may be stimulated to improve their College work, which has been way below the average. President Lowell and Dean Yeomans will represent the University in refuting the opinion generally held by students that College work means very little this year to those who will probably be in service in the future. Mr. Clark will speak on the industrial and business side of the after-the-war question. He has been connected, in the Plymouth Cordage Company and Mexican mining properties, with business organizations which have had the greatest success with labor.
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