The H. A. A. has decided to hold the annual wrestling and boxing tournament for the University championship about the middle of March in the Randolph Gymnasium unless some more suitable place can be found. These championships are open to all members of the University. Both the boxing and wrestling matches will be divided into the following classes: 115,125, 135, 145, 158, 175 pounds, and heavyweight.
Until yesterday the H. A. A. had thought it improbable that the tournament could be held because little interest had been shown in boxing, but the Athletic Committee finally has decided that enough men are now engaged in the sport to make the tournament practicable. It is impossible to hold the meet in the Union this year as has been done in former years, because of its use as a dining hall. Considerable interest has also been shown in the wrestling class which is held in Randolph Gymnasium on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons under Coach Allen.
Four men who reached the final
rounds of last year's tournament are back in College. R. Hoffman '19, A. D. Kelso '19 and C. W. Ozians '20, boxers, and R. W. Killam '19, wrestler. Men who wish to come out for any of the classes in boxing or wrestling may sign up at the H. A. A. or at the Randolph Gymnasium
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