It was decided by the University rowing authorities last evening that races will be held this spring with both Yale and Princeton, provided that satisfactory arrangements can be made with those colleges. In accordance with the general policy of curtailing an elaborate intercollegiate program during the wartime, no races will be scheduled with other universities. Though as yet no date has been set for either of the contests, it is expected that the University will meet Princeton shortly after the first of May and Yale later in the same month. Neither the courses nor distances have been settled.
This spring, University oarsmen will be without the active services of Coach Robert F. Herrick '90, leader of the crew work here, originator of the present University rowing system, and coach of the University eight which set up the record of 20 minutes and two seconds on the Thames course with Yale in 1916. Although Coach Herrick will retain his position as a member of the Rowing Committee which regulates the
general crew policy, he will be unable to devote any time to a more personal supervision of the crews.
The real training of the oarsmen will be in charge of Coach Haines, who has been Herrick's lieutenant for the past two years, and who directed the Freshmen and club crews last fall. He will be assisted, as in the fall, by Coaches Brown and Manning, and if this time permits, by Arthur E. Beane '11, who will have particular supervision of the Freshmen.
According to present plans the Freshman crew will also race both the Yale and Princeton yearlings, and possibly various preparatory school crews in the vicinity. The competition for Freshman manager and assistant manager will commence on Monday.
Candidates for both the University and Freshman crews will report for the first practice of the season at the Locker Building on Monday, the former at 4, the latter at 3.45 o'clock
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