A mass meeting will take place this afternoon which marks the beginning of an active University participation in the Smileage campaign. An opportunity is afforded men to hear the Governor of the Commonwealth as well as representatives of the stage and the army in support of a cause which deserves the attention of everyone.
Smileage is an expressive term. It represents the future pleasure and enjoyment of the men in army cantonments today. The problem of supplying decent recreation to the soldier in his spare moments is a serious one. The Y. M. C. A. has long recognized its importance in the building up of a healthy morale, and has given ample outlet to this instinctive desire in frequent entertainments. The Government has now seen fit to establish Liberty Theatres at all important training points.
Smileage, moreover, points to the necessity of a campaign. That soldiers be supplied with these tickets is essential to large attendance at theatres. Success can be achieved only through the generous contributions of our civilian population. For the soldier, receiving a low salary, much of which must ordinarily be directed to the support of those at home, is in real need of assistance if he is to take advantage of those opportunities for diversion afforded him.
Today is the time for the student to attend a meeting which has as its object the furthering of a cause not only worthy, but of infinite importance in building up an effective fighting machine.
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