Today is the last day upon which students in the University may make applications for Fellowships and Scholarships for 1918-19 in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and in the Law School or for the Josiah Dwight Whitney Scholarship which was founded by Miss Maria Whitney to aid meritorious students in the study of field geology or geography in the summer months.--preferably in the mountain region of the Western United States.
It is also the last day for receiving applications from persons intending to enter College for Price Greenleaf Aid. James A. Rumrill Scholarships and Charles Elliott Perkins Scholarships, for 1918-19. The Price Greenleaf Fund is distributed at this time among persons who are about to begin their first year of residence and who will pursue studies towards the degree of Bachelor of Arts. The James A. Rumrill Scholarships are given to prospective Freshmen or unclassified students.
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