
Will Give Pierre Patelin Tonight

A group of seven undergraduates at the University, styling themselves the Patelin Players, will present the old French farce, "Pierre Patelin," in the theatre of the Elizabeth Peabody House, 357 Charles street, Boston, tonight at 8 o'clock. During the past few weeks the cast, organized somewhat after the manner of the old student-player fraternities of France, have been carrying their production about the various settlement houses of Boston.

Tickets for the play tonight are now on sale at 50 cents each at Leavitt and Peirce's and Grays 19.

The undergraduates who compose the Patelin Players are J. Auslander '18, O. W. Larkin '18, R. L. Strout '18, F. M. Crystal '19, S. G. Falk '19, J. C. Dowd'20 and E. Fleischmann '20.
