Only about 30 men reported yesterday afternoon for the first track work of the season, the lack of field event candidates being even more apparent than it has been in previous years. Coach Donovan expressed his disappointment at the small number out.
There is, however, a nucleus of experienced men in the University, about which Donovan may build a fairly strong team. B. Lewis '20, captain of the Freshman cross-country team last year, and D. J. Duggan '20 are tested distance runners. L. B. Evans '20, C. R. Larrabee '19, J. F. Linder '19 and F. F. Williams '20 may be depended upon in the sprints, and C. F. Batchelder '20 in the weights.
The Freshmen so far have shown more interest than the upperclassmen, a considerable number of promising candidates reporting for the first light work out. Although a long schedule is being planned for the 1921 team, no positive announcements have been made, save that the Worcester Academy game, recently announced as arranged for March 2, is fixed for March 16, and it is certain that a meet will be staged May 25 with Yale at New Haven. Plans are also being laid for a Freshman intercollegiate meet under the auspices of the I. C. A. A. A. A. to take place about May 11.
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