
Questions and Answers.


Q. What is a Smileage Book?

A. A Smileage Book is a book containing, coupons entitling the holder to admission and seat tickets at Liberty Theatres, Liberty Tents, and auditoriums under the management of the Commission on Training Camp Activities in National Army cantonments and National Guard camps.

Q. By whom are they issued?

A. By the Military Entertainment Council of the Commission on Training Camp Activities, Washington, D. C.

Q. What do Smileage Books cost?


A. Smileage Books are of two kinds: The first costs $1; the second $5.

Q. How many tickets does each book contain?

A. The $1 Smileage Book contains 20 coupons; the $5 book contains 100 coupons.

Q. Where are they good?

A. In all Liberty Entertainments in all National Army cantonments and National Guard camps under the management of the Commission on Training Camp Activities.

Q. Are the books to be inscribed by name to soldiers?

A. There is space for an inscription to soldiers by name, but this is not necessary.

Q. Are they transferable?

A. Yes, to soldiers in uniform.

Q. How many theatres have been built?

A. One permanent theatre, seating 3,000, has been built in each National Army cantonment. Two chautauqua tents, seating 1,800 each, have been erected in each National Guard camp.--SMILEAGE NEWS.
