Plans are under way for carrying on a short "Smileage" campaign in the University. It is expected that a mass meeting will be held some time in the near future and men in the various schools of the University will be appointed to sell "Smileage" books during the campaign.
"Smileage" is the result of an attempt on the part of the Military Entertainment Council, a special commission appointed by the Secretary of War as a branch of the War Department Commission on Training Camp Activities, to provide the best possible entertainment for men now in the National Army cantonments, and all military and naval camps on this side of the Atlantic, at the lowest possible price. This council is issuing books of tickets, somewhat like mileage coupons in use on the railroads, which, when sent to men at any of the service camps or cantonments in the United States, will enable them to attend the performances given at the Liberty Theatres, the Y. M. C. A. auditoriums or the tents provided by the Chautauqua Managers' Association.
The Government has co-operated with the stage in this attempt to offer good productions to the soldiers and sailors by providing a Liberty Theatre at each of the 16 cantonments in this country. The Y. M. C. A. and C. M. A. have also set up stages at many camps. Several first-rate companies of actors have of fered their services to the Government.
The books are of two sizes, one containing 20 coupons to be sold for $1, and one of 100 coupons, selling at $5. The following men will have charge of the sale of "Smileage" during the campaign:
Law School: D. G. Acheson 31, and L. F. Brown 2L.
Medical School: G. P. Pennoyer 3M.
Freshman Dormitories: H. H. Faxon '21, T. H. Mills '21 and J. A. Sessions '21.
The Yard: A. Burroughs '20.
Outside Dormitories: D. C. Hawkins '20 and J. Horblit '18
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