


Lieutenant De Fourmestraux, of the French Army, visited the University on Wednesday, before proceeding on his journey to Princeton, where he will take command of the advanced training of the R. O. T. C. unit. "I am very pleasantly impressed with what little I have seen of the Harvard Corps," he said, when interviewed by a CRIMSON reporter. "I am sorry that I can not stay longer, but I shall return again to visit in the spring. I have heard much about the Harvard Training Corps while in France, and am anxious to see the men at drill."

Will Follow University Schedule.

The Lieutenant said, also, that he hoped to have the work at Princeton follow closely along the lines of that undertaken with such success here at the University during the past year.

Lieutenant De Fourmestraux has been detailed by the French Government for work in connection with the Reserve Officers' Training Corps in this country, and is at present assigned to duty with the Princeton regiment. He has been a member of the 117th Infantry, from Lemans, a regiment which has distinguished itself many times during the war. While attending the lecture on "Airplane Photography," given by Lieutenant Morize at the New Lecture Hall on Wednesday afternoon, he remarked that he had fought over the ground portrayed by the aviation pictures during the battle of Le Roie.

While in the service abroad, Lieutenant De Fourmestraux fought for a time in the same regiment with Captain Paul Amann, who was detailed at the University with the Iron Battalion and with the University R. O. T. C. in the early part of last fall. He is also an intimate friend of Lieutenant Jean Giraudoux, the grenadier officer of the French Mission at the University last summer, with whom he was associated in the Aviation Office in France.


The Lieutenant left for his new post on Wednesday night, accompanied by Lieutenant Morize, who is lecturing at Princeton today on the war.
