Candidates for the University and Freshman crews will be called out on Monday, March 4, when practice will commences on the machines. At that time Coach Haines will outline the season's work for both the University and 1921 squads, and the men will be divided immediately into temporary crews for practice purposes. Manager A. F. Tribble '19 is at present carrying on negotiations with Yale and Princeton, and expects that satisfactory arrangements will soon be completed whereby the University crews, may race these colleges at some convenient date during the latter part of April or the month of May.
Good Material in College.
The prospects for a strong University eight this spring are bright for beside Captain F. Parkman '19 there will be several members of last year's squad to form a nucleus for the crew. R. S. Emmet '19, who was stroke of the second crew when war was declared, has returned to College and will probably stroke the University shell this season. F. B. Whitman '19 and C. Canfield '19 are other members of last year's squad who will try for seats in the boat this spring. Among the members of the 1920 crew squad who will be candidates for positions on the University crew this year are R. H. Bowen '20, who rowed bow in his Freshman boat, C. F. Batchelder '20, H. O. Apthrop '20, G. C. Noyes '20, R. Fiske '20 and R. B. Williamson '20.
A call for Freshman managerial candidates will be made on March 8, when the competition for the positions of manager and assistant manager of the 1921 crew will commence. The competition will last about eight weeks this year, instead of the usual 12.
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