

March 7 and 8 Tentative Dates For Annual Intramural Contests.

Continuing the custom of previous years, the University track management is planning to hold this year on Soldiers Field a winter track carnival of two days' duration. At present the carnival is tentatively scheduled for March 7 and 8. Members of the University, class and dormitory teams, will be eligible to compete in the various events. Handicap races will be arranged for the carnival.

The events which are certain to be included in the program are the 40-yard dash, the 600-yard run, the one-mile run, the two-mile, the 40-yard low hurdles, the seven-lap run, the 20-lap run, and ten-man relay races, with each man running two laps. A shot put events is also planned, and it is more than likely that some such contest as a tug-of-war with the Radio School will be on the schedule, too.

Coaches Donovan and Farrell are to be on hand at Soldiers Field each afternoon except Saturdays from 2.30 to 4 o'clock to train men who will compete in the carnival. No previous experience in track is necessary in order to compete in the events on March 7 and 8.
