Colonel Sir Walter Roper Lawrence, C.B., G.C.I.E., K.C.I.E., C.I.E., the British statesman, soldier and scholar, will give in the New Lecture Hall tonight at 8 o'clock the eighth in the series of University war lectures. "The War" will be the subject of his address. The lecture tonight will be held under the auspices of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, and will be open to the public as well as to members of the University.
Colonel Lawrence is well acquainted with the subject on which he will speak, for since to summer of 1914 he has been continuously connected with the British War Office. He was commissioner for Lord Kitchener in France until the latter's death. Then he became Lord Curzon's French representative in questions connected with the English air service. Since 1917 he has been Liaison Officer between the War Officer and the Minister of Pensions.
In 1906, at the conclusion of his career as a statesman in the Indian Empire, Sir Walter was Knighted. He had entered the Civil Service there in 187 and from then until 1905 he was constantly occupied with important duties. At different times he held the posts of secretary to the Government of India, private secretary to Lord Curzon, Viceroy, and chief of staff to the present King and Queen when they visited India in 1905.
As a scholar Colonel Lawrence is known for his book "The Valley of Kashmir," which is the result of his experience as Settlement Commissioner to that country in the years 1889-95.
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