

Will Observe International Night With M. I. T. Students.

International night will be observed on next Saturday by the Cosmopolitan Clubs of the University and of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology at the Walker Memorial Building at M. I. T. The program, which will include a dance, will afford an opportunity for the foreign students of the two institutions to become acquainted. The entertainment will begin at 7.45 o'clock, and the time for stopping the dance, which will start at 9.15, has by special permission been extended till 12 o'clock.

The program follows: 1.  Violin Solo.  George Hanson (Accompanied by Arthur Quimby). 2.  Dance.  Miss Constance de Coen (1) "Spring Song." (2) "On to Victory." 3.  "Cosmopolitan Reminiscences."  J. V. Manach 4.  Russian Dance.  Miss G. Barrish 5.  Recitation.  Miss Esperanza Balmaseda. (1) "Love of Life."  Tertius Van Dyke (2) "La Serenata Shubert."  M. Cutierrez Hajera 6.  Chinese Sword Dance.  K. L. Hsuch 7.  Piano Selections.  Miss Vernita C. Corbett (1) "Bird Voices."  John Orth (2) "Woodland Nymphs."  John Orth (Rededicated to Miss Corbett). (3) "Etude in D Flat.  Lizst
