Owing to the absence of E. R. Gay '19, who has gone to Washington to enter the Government service, J. S. Higgins '20 has been appointed by Coach Leslabay to be his assistant in training the candidates for the University bayonet team. Higgins was an instructor in bayonet fencing in the R. O. T. C. during the encampment last summer.
The first group of 15 men have just completed the primary course in attacks, feints and parries, and are to begin fencing with wands in combat practice next week. More candidates are desired, however, and Coach Leslabay is very anxious to have a new group of 15 or more report to him at the Randolph Gymnasium during the coming week, in order that he may have 30 fully-trained instructors ready to take over the work with the R. O. T. C. in the spring term.
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