An "All-College Rally," which is this year to supersede most of the college dinners and reunions ordinarily held in Boston each winter, will take place at the Boston Opera House at 7.45 o'clock tomorrow evening. Herbert Parker '78, formerly Attorney General of Massachusetts, will preside, and the speakers will be James M. Beck of New York, at one time Assistant United States Attorney General, and John A. Rathom, the well-known editor of the Providence, R. I., Journal. The musical part of the program will be supplied by a band of 50 pieces and a large chorus under the direction of Professor Leo R. Lewis of Tufts College.
The rally will take the form of a mass meeting of the college men of Boston. To date the alumni associations of 42 colleges and institutions throughout the country have pledged their active support to tomorrow evening's program.
All the college presidents of New England, Governor McCall, Mayor Peters, and other prominent men are to be the guests of honor, and will be given an informal reception by the groups from the various colleges.
Tickets for the Rally may be obtained from the secretary of the Harvard Alumni Association, 50 State street, by mail, or at the Boston Opera House. The price of all tickets is $1.
The receipts from the sale of tickets will be turned over to the treasurer of the American University Union in Paris, for the work of the union among American college students engaged in war duties.
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