NEW HAVEN, CONN., FEB. 13.--Yale was assured of formal, organized intercollegiate baseball this year when the Athletic Association Board of Control formally gave permission to form a nine. Schedules for the university and freshman teams will conform as closely as possible with those of former years, excepting that games will be played only on Saturdays, owing to the military schedules. In accordance with the wartime policy of Yale, no professional coach will be secured and complete charge of this department will be assumed by returning graduates.
Want Game With University.
In a telegram received by the CRIMSON from New Haven yesterday, the hope was expressed that games with the University and Princeton might be arranged.
As all the varsity players and Manager C. Stewart have left-college, N. C. Lyman, a last year's substitute, has been elected captain, and F. S. Hyde, manager. A call for both university and freshman teams will be issued within a week. Captain Lyman, who will take charge of the preliminary drill, expects to start practice in the cage.
On Friday, February 15, there will be a conference in New York between Dean McClenahan of Princeton, Professor Corwin of Yale and Dean Briggs of the University, at which the athletic policy of the three universities for the coming year will again be discussed. Immediately after this meeting there will be a meeting of the University Committee of Athletics, and a definite decision in regard to intercollegiate sports will then be reached.
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Mott-Smith to Lead 1921 Swimmers