It was announced yesterday and later confirmed by President Lowell that Lieutenant-Commander Joseph C. Nowell, U. S. N. N. V., will take charge of the University Ensign School in place of Lieutenant Edward F. Greene, who died three weeks ago. Commander Nowell arrived yesterday from Norfolk, Va., where he has been in charge of the Cadet School of the Fifth Naval District. He entered at once upon his duties here, and will remain in charge of the Ensign School for the rest of the year. Commander Nowell has had considerable experience both in the Navy and as an instructor in training schools. His appointment to the Ensign School is in accordance with the intention of the Navy Department to maintain in the University itself a school for prospective naval officers which would make it possible for undergraduates to qualify for their commissions when they reached the required age.
Work Now More Advanced.
Since the mid-year period the men in the University Naval School have been continuing the study of more advanced phases of naval training. Throughout the year the men take four courses. Course 1, which continues all year, consists of trigonometry, as well as solid and analytical geometry, and Course 2 embodies navigation and instruction in Nautical Astronomy. Marine Meteorology, which is the first part of Course 3, was completed by the cadets at midyears, and Commander Nowell is starting a course of lectures on "Naval Principles and Practice."
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