With the rounding out of the first month of its existence, the S. A. T. C. has reached its full stride at the University. The men have been given thorough training in the rudiments of military science, namely, close order drill, physical exercises, guard duty, and the elementary work in the Small Arms Firing Manual. Besides this they have also been instructed for a short period every morning in the new British bayonet-fighting system. A bayonet assault-course is in the process of construstion and parry-sticks have been ordered.
Battalion commanders are Captain C. E. Dunn and First Lieutenant A. A. Degroot, each of whom has served a year in France. Lieutenant H. R. Davenport, a graduate of the Small Arms Firing School at Camp Perry, Illinois, is ordnance officer and rifle instructor. The quartermaster department is under the charge of Lieutenant W. Weinrich, Jr., and Lieutenant P. W. Long '98 is the personnel officer.
It has not yet been decided if Captain Morize will have any connection with the Corps this year, but the Committee on Education and Special Training is now considering the matter.
The men have all been issued the "Krags" used by the R. O. T. C. last year. A consignment of Winchester rifles, originally manufactured for the Russian government has arrived in Cambridge, however, and these rifles will be issued to the men as soon as possible. They are similar to the American Winchester rifles now being used by the regular army, and popularly known as "Enfields."
What will become of the S. A. T. C. if peace is definitely declared, has not been decided as yet; but it is probable that it will continue for some time, at least until the first of the year. No definite orders have been received from Washington, however. At present eligible men are being sent to the various officers' training camps in small groups, as vacancies occur. In order to be eligible for one of these camps a man must stand well in his studies. It is expected that a large number will be sent to camps on January 1, but no man whose college work has not been entirely satisfactory will be eligible for commission in any branch of the service.
The following men received orders last Tuesday night to report at the Field Artillery Officers' School at Camp Zachary Taylor: Philip Hofer '21, C. A. Chapin '20, F. C. Packard, Jr., '20, C. R. Larrabee '19, Benjamin Ulin '20, J. F. Hardaway '20, W. W. Rowe '20, Winslow Whitman '21, E. B. Brady '21, G. M. Palmer '21, S. G. Falk '19, F. F. Vorenberg '20, R. W. Gratwick '21, E. R. Baltzell, J. E. Raleigh, R. M. Heller, and R. B. King.
The following men will leave next Tuesday night for the Central Officers' Training School for Infantry at Camp Lee: C. H. Corning '20, E. F. Gordon '20, W. B. Martin '21, A. S. Merrill, K. C. Darling J. D. Crawford, and T. E. Frye.
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