
More Officers for Naval Unit

The organization of the Naval Unit has been slightly changed since the beginning of the term. A. P. Becker, Chief Boatswain's Mate, has been appointed Regimental Commander; A. K. N. Jenson, Chief Quartermaster's Mate, has been put in command of the first plantoon; D. C. Clark, Chief Quartermaster's Mate in command of the second platoon; V. H. Ehler, Chief Quartermaster's Mate, is in command of the third platoon; J. Pokorny, Chief Gunner's Mate, is appointed commander of the fourth platoon.

New classes have been started to give the men training in the Practice and Theory of Seamanship, Ordinance, and Signalling. They are to meet on Monday, Wednesday and Friday; the time will be posted.

Probably a large number of men will leave the Unit for a higher school next January, and at the same time new men will be taken in.
