Military authorities here have received orders to make preparations for the discharge of some members of the S. A. T. C., but for the immediate future at least, it is expected that this refers only to the men over 25 years old who left some important occupation to join the S. A. T. C. Nothing really definite has been decided yet, however, but it is likely that definite word will be received before long.
Orders have been received to send one lieutenant each week to the Allen Military School in West Newton for an hour each afternoon to instruct in military science. Lieutenant Daniel is the instructor this week.
The influenza epidemic which again broke out quite recently is now declining rapidly. Among those who have been sick are Lieutenants Sullivan, Althouse, Schouten and Knox.
Captain C. E. Dunn, commander of the First Battalion, was formerly attached to the 26th Division, and was therefore specially invited to participate in the celebration given for Major-General Edwards, the commander of that unit.
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