
Dr. Fitch Speaks to Freshmen

In his annual talk to Freshmen Monday evening at Phillips Brooks House, Doctor Albert Parker Fitch '00 emphasized the necessity of keeping intact the ideals for which the soldiers of the Allies have fought and died. He said that the responsibility for "carrying on" rested upon the few men who are left in College, especially upon Freshmen.

Dr. Fitch spoke of three kinds of idealism which it is our duty to perpetuate: political, spiritual, and moral idealism. The political idealism of the Allies has been democracy, as opposed to autocracy. The spiritual idealism is the refraining from all the brutal tactics and atrocities that the enemy has practiced The moral idealism is the combatting of the principle that might makes right.

Doctor Davison led the singing.

Doctor Harry Emerson Fosdick will give a similar talk to Freshmen at Phillips Brooks House, Thursday, December 12, at 7.30 o'clock.
