
Regular Band for S. A. T. C.

The S. A. T. C. military band was organized a week ago last Tuesday on extremely short notice to play in the parade on the same day. It made such a good showing in the parade that it was formally recognized by the military authorities and established on a working basis. At present, the band is led by Chief Musician F. L. Reynolds '20, under the direct supervision of Lieut. Heath; it is composed almost entirely of privates or non-commissioned officers of the S. A. T. C. The band has been detailed to work with the headquarters company.

The bandsmen will be excused from drill every morning, and will rehearse and practice field music under the direction of the chief musician. Strict routine work has been laid out for the band and it will be followed exactly. The men will be held up to a very rigid discipline; they are excused from all kitchen or fatigue duties, but will loose their passes at the slightest evidence of insubordination. During the afternoon drills the bandmen will act as orderlies, stretcher bearers and will perform similar duties, when not with the band itself.

The band will play at all parades and reviews, and will probably furnish music at the football games.
