The College Office has given out the following official statement:
The Government has announced that men now in Officers' Training Camps may exercise their option between remaining in the camps and receiving an honorable discharge from the army. It is expected that men in the navy will also be released in large numbers. In view of these conditions, Harvard University has made prompt provision for the enrolment of students. This is possible from the fact that in addition to the military training, the ordinary academic organization and instruction have been kept in operation throughout the war.
On Tuesday, November 19, the Faculty of Arts and Sciences decided that properly qualified students will be permitted to begin or resume study in Harvard College immediately. They are urged to return as soon as possible, and the last date for registration will be Friday, November 29, at 9 A. M. Those who are unable to register before this time will have an opportunity to take up their work on December 30, the day on which the second term begins.
The Law School, Divinity School, the School of Business Administration, and the School of Architecture are also prepared to admit students who apply at once.
Heretofore, it has been possible to enter the College only at the beginning of each half year. The University took this prompt action in view of the statement of Secretary Daniels that college men who desired to return to college would be among the first to be discharged from the service, and the action of the army officicers' training camps in giving the men now in training in those camps opportunity to return to college immediately if they so desire. This action makes it possible not only for former students to return to the University, but also for any properly qualified men to be admitted for the first time. For the men who enter college now, the regular courses leading to the A.B. and S. B. degrees are available with a few modifications in some instances.
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