Prospects of a well-developed football eleven for the service men at the University this year were brightened materially by the new schedule of morning practice. Captain Dunham, adjutant of the S. A. T. C., and Ensign J. G. Alley, executive officer of the Naval Unit, decided that the candidates for positions on the team should not be obliged to attend morning drill from 8 till 10 o'clock.
The main obstacle to a smooth working eleven has been the irregularity of practice. Seldom was Coach W. F. Donovan able to get the same eleven on Soldiers Field two nights a week.
Two more games have been arranged for the University service eleven. It will meet the Boston College football team Saturday, November 23, and Brown a week later. Both games will be held in the Stadium. The Camp Devens and the Naval Radio teams will clash in the Stadium tomorrow for the United War Work Campaign. Both teams are composed of former college players and a fast game is expected. The Devens eleven includes three All-American stars.
The football team began the season in the right way last Saturday by defeating the veteran Tufts eleven, 7 to 0, in the Stadium. Spectacular individual play by the University men featured the game. A. J. Conlon at quarterback made two long runs, one of 85 yards and the other for 30 yards. Ben Hunneman at fullback was the steadiest ground gainer for the University eleven and scored the touchdown and the goal. Captain E. J. Daley played a wonderful game at tackle. He was in every play and broke up most of the Tufts freak formations.
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