


The financial campaign to support the work of Phillips Brooks House has so far been attended by only partial success. Only a few of those who know the Brooks House well and have been among its loyal friends in the past are back in Cambridge this fall. These men have responded to the call, but the need is greater than they realize. So it is to the new men, Harvard Freshmen and men of the S. A. T. C. not vitally connected with the University that the canvassers are forced to look.

Phillips Brooks House will take the place of the Y. M. C. A. in all the University's military and naval activities. As many of the embryo officers will wish to see their families and relatives before leaving for an O. T. C., the Phillips Brooks Touse is splendidly equipped as a hostess house. The experience obtained through running the hut for the Radio School will help Phillips Brooks House in maintaining excellent writing rooms with a plentiful supply of stationery, as well as comfortable rooms for rest and reading. Entertainments will be given regularly throughout the year, and as soon as the epidemic is officially declared over, it is planned to hold a big reception for all new men.

The drive for funds was started at a dinner held last Monday evening for the collecting committees. A Beane '11, the graduate secretary, who has guided and developed the activities of Phillips Brooks House so successfully, spoke on its ideals and the splendid opportunity for new service in connection with the S. A. T. C. and Naval Unit.

It is hoped that in these last two days of the drive everyone will co-operate give all they can to help the Brooks House widen the scope of its service in spite of the disorganized and unsettled state of conditions. Last year's total amount contributed was over forty-five hundred dollars, and unless quick response from its friends old and new, is forthcoming this year's drive may fail to reach one-half of that amount.
