


Having completed its fifth successful season, the Legal Aid Bureau is handling with great facility cases which are presented before it by those who deserve aid and who cannot pay the expense of professional legal advice. Since January, 1917, 104 cases were brought before the Bureau, and the aid tendered resulted in cash recovery for clients of $410.50. In 62 of these cases the Bureau took the part of plaintiff, in 29 the part of defendant, and was involved in 13 other cases on questions of real property, interpretation of statues, torts and administration, and drawing of wills. Of the 104 clients, 44 were men, 59 women and one a corporation. These figures compare with 147 cases brought before the Bureau last year in which $1,647.50 was recovered for its clients.

The Legal Aid Bureau is an organization made up of second and third-year Law School men, who lend their services entirely free of charge to those who apply. The expenses of the organization are defrayed by voluntary contributions from those interested in its advance. It gives the Law School men a valuable training in the interviewing of clients, in the balancing of the merits of claims, and in the conduct of cases. In many instances they handle both sides of a case.

The following are the members of the Legal Aid Bureau: W. R. Cook 2L, W. H. Campbell 3L, N. C. Culolias 3L, C. H. Baesler 2L, H. A. Bailey 3L, W. S. Downey 2L, O. O. Efird 2L, C. W. Frontz 2L, H. H. Gorman 3L, F. H. Hall 2L, J. L. Handford 3L, P. A. Hill 3L, H. H. Hoppe 2L, J. F. Hunter 3L, C. B. Jordan 3L, F. H. Kennedy 3L, W. B. Lane 3L, L. H. Landau 3L, N. E. MacKay 3L, G. E. Osborne 2L, E. R. Peterson 3L, C. F. Quillian 3L, H. F. Reindel 2L, M. P. Roberts 3L, A. M. Sonnabend 2L, J. Talamo 3L, J. L. White 2L, C. E. Whitney 3L.

Since its foundation, the Bureau's office has been maintained at the Prospect Union in Central Square, but two days before the date announced for the opening in October the Bureau was informed that the Union could no longer accommodate it. An office was finally established in the Cambridge Neighborhood House on Moore and Harvard streets. Regular office hours are now held from 9 to 10 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings.
