

Candidates Report to Coach Anderson in Randolph Gym. at 3.

The first wrestling practice of the season will be held at the Randolph Gymnasium this afternoon at 3 o'clock when all members of the University interested in the sport are to report. In spite of the informal nature of University wrestling this winter, the Athletic Association has obtained expert coaching for the squad. Coach Sam Anderson, ex-world's welterweight champion, and instructor of University wrestling teams for several seasons, will have full direction of the candidates. A special room has been entirely refitted for the use of wrestlers. The mats, moreover, have been so arranged that a large number can work simultaneously.

The formation of a wrestling team to represent the University informally will be largely determined by the response to the call for practice. Approximately 50 men have already signified their intention of competing for the team, and if this interest is maintained it is probable that meets will be arranged with service teams and other organizations around Boston.
