

First Meeting of Squad at 3 Today in Apthorp Fencing Room.

Due to the efforts of certain members of the fencing squad, a bayonet team will be formed at the University and will have outside matches with other universities and colleges. Coach Leslabay of the fencing team, who was a captain in the R. O. T. C. last summer and had entire charge of its bayonet practice, will coach the new team.

Candidates are called out today from both the Freshman and the upper classes, and will report in the fencing room in Apthorp House at 3 o'clock. Entrance to this room is through the Randolph Gymnasium.

The instruction will be conducted along the same lines as that of the 1917 R. O. T. C. At first, candidates will learn the different thrusts and parries, using ordinary rifles. Later, the men, protected by bodyguards and masks, will oppose each other with wooden wands and spring bayonets.

These outside bayonet matches are an outgrowth of a general feeling expressed at recent athletic meetings that military sports such as bayonet-fencing, wall-scaling, rescue races and grenade-throwing should be included among field events. Several other institutions, notably Yale and Columbia, have indicated that they will follow the same course, so that opponents for the team are assured.
