

Small Squad Received Light Workout.--More Men Needed.

The winter track season opened yesterday afternoon when about 25 candidates reported for the first practice on Soldiers Field. Only light work was given the men, and they were dismissed after a short preliminary practice.

Coach Donovan took charge of the candidates for the relay teams and gave them a short workout on the 130-yard board track near the Locker Building. The weather was so cold that the runners could not stay out long, but were compelled to make their work fast. The scarcity of the number of men is partly accounted for by the fact that it was the first day of the term, but Coach Donovan expressed his disappointment that more had not reported. Runners for the 390 and 780-yard informal and Freshman relay teams are needed, as well as men for the distance runs. Relay candidates are especially in demand, as informal teams to represent the University will be entered in the B. A. A. meet in Mechanics Building on February 2, and probably in the meets which are contemplated by the Irish-American Athletic Association and the Lawrence Light Guards, as well as the various military teams.

Coach Farrell took charge of the jumpers and weight men in the cage, but work there will be discontinued until after the cold weather, when the Athletic Association plans to heat it. More men are also needed in the field events.

Practice will be continued this afternoon on the board track at 2.30, and Coaches Donovan and Farrell will be present from that time until 5 o'clock.
