

The zero weather has driven the R. O. T. C. to the shelters of the cage and the Municipal Building. The latter edifice is indeed a shelter, the cage is merely a protection against the icy blasts that come down the valley of the Charles. Yet the cage can be drilled in; a skilful officer can maneouvre a company within its bounds, but Pershing himself would be baffled if he had to train a company of ten squads in the Municipal Building.

The Municipal Building is the type of structure that a German army of invasion would leave unmolested; it is of no military value. Its largest room is no more suited to drill purposes than Sever 12. That Lord Howe wished to sail up the Bronx river to conquer New York State seems ridiculous to us, but it is no more so than the notion that a company can learn tactics in a chamber the size of an average lecture hall. To cross the Alps was a great feat in Hannibal's time; it was a simple move compared to giving about face in the Municipal Building. Something must be done for a joke is good only once, but this state of affairs cannot last all winter.
