According to a statement in the Princetonian, Yale will have formal teams in baseball, crew and track this spring. This new decision was made by the advisory committee on athletics, of which Professor Robert N. Corwin is chairman. The committee decided some time ago that athletics would be conducted on an informal basis, as was football last fall, but as a result of many conferences within the past few weeks, the policy has been altered.
All upperclass baseball candidates will be called out immediately after the mid-year examinations. It is not known, however, what material there is in college, so that no predictions can be made as to the strength of the Yale team. The question of a series with Princeton and the University will be settled in the near future.
The Princeton Athletic Association has already passed the following resolution favoring the continuance of intercollegiate athletics as a military benefit, provided they were conducted on a sufficiently economical scale.
"Resolved: That we approve the idea of athletic development as a means of military training and we offer the facilities of the Association to the use of the students for that purpose; and in the second place, we approve the idea of having intercollegiate athletic competition on a simple and inexpensive plan which shall not interfere with the military training, but which shall maintain the athletic traditions of Princeton."
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Last Day for Applications for Divinity School Scholarships.