

Association Will Hold Annual Session In Fogg Museum.

The Eastern Massachusetts section of the Classical Association of New England will held its 11th annual meeting at the Fogg Museum on Saturday, February 2. Its program for the day is as follows:

10.00.--A World of Welcome. Albert S. Perkins, Dorchester High School, president of the section.

10.15.--The Questionnaire of the Boston Council of Ancient Languages. Miss Louise Adams, East Boston High School.

10.35.--A Review of Virgil. Dr. D. O. S. Lowell, headmaster, Roxbury Latin School.

10.55.--The Stupidest of Losses. Dr. Josiah Bridge, Westminster School, Simsbury, Conn.


11.15.--Latin in Modern Education. Dr. Payson Smith, commissioner of education for Massachusetts.

11.45.--The Comprehensive Latin of the College Entrance Examination Board. Professor Edward K. Rand, of the University.

12.00.--Lantern Talk: Athens Under the Turks. Dr. James M. Paton, Cambridge.
