War has not deterred the Business School from adding two courses to its curriculum. Any expansion of this branch of the University increases its reputation in peace times and makes it more serviceable in times of strife. The policy of "business as usual" has been much criticized, but as the present ideal of the graduate school it deserves praise. To this body, however, the phrase means as not heedlessness to the patriotic demands made on every citizen, but rather increased service to the Government by learning now more than ever the principles of business. As the purpose of the training is always practical, the value therefore is as great in war as in peace. No matter how the country is situated, transactions must always take place, even though on a reduced scale. People must buy and sell whether or not their countrymen are under arms. Whatever change does occur in any sort of dealings rises from attempts to economize, to provide only what is really necessary, and to follow out the wishes of the Government. The demand for men with experience, therefore, becomes all the greater as the necessity for curtailing increases. Those who understand commercial transactions are for this reason most essential at such a time as the present.
The development of business experts assumes especial importance just now because of numerous demands that the Administration make more use of them. The very fact that the country wants men of this sort to control the industrial and commercial activities shows the necessity of training in organization and management. To educate citizens with this purpose in view becomes a service to the nation. In the years of reconstruction which are due to come, the aid of trained business men will be necessary. The growth of the graduate school shows progress whether in war or in peace.
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