
Schedule of Mid-Year Examinations

Mid-year examinations under the Faculty Arts and Sciences continue today and tomorrow, with 37 tests on the program for the two days. No tests will be held tomorrow afternoon.

The schedule for the two days is printed below: Today 9.15 A. M. Anthropology 5,  Peabody Mus. Botany 7,  Gray Herb. Economics 9,  Harvard 3 Economics 31,  Harvard 3 Education A,  Emerson D English 2: Adams to Dickerson (inclusive),  Harvard 5 Fales to Yungblut (inclusive),  Harvard 6 Fine Arts 4a,  Robinson Hall French 9,  Harvard 5 French 12,  Harvard 5 Geography 1,  Zool. Lect. Rm. German B,  Emerson D German 1a II,  Emerson J German 2b,  Emerson J German 12a,  Emerson J Government 5a,  Emerson J Greek B I,  Emerson D History 17a,  Emerson D Latin 1,  Emerson A Latin 6,  Emerson A Mathematics 4,  Harvard 2 Mathematics 13,  Harvard 2 Mineralogy 2,  Mineral Lab. Music 6,  Emerson D Navy Course 1,  Emerson D Philsophy 3,  Emerson F Semitic A 5,  Andover C Semitic E 1,  Harvard 3 Social Ethics 5,  Emerson J Zoology 4,  Harvard 2 1.30 P. M. Philosophy A: Almy to Bushnell (inclusive),  Emerson A Butterfield to W. Davis (inclusive),  Emerson F Day to Rice (inclusive),  Emerson D Richmond to Wynne (inclusive),  Emerson J Tomorrow 9.15 A. M. Chemistry 22,  Harvard 5 Economics 3,  Harvard 6 Economics 18a  Harvard 6 Economics 34,  Harvard 5 Engin. Sciences 3,  Peabody 55 Government 23,  Harvard 5 Music 1,  Harvard 6
