
Reserve Still Open to men of Draft Age


(We invite all men in the University to submit communications on subjects of timely interest, but assume no responsibility for sentiments expressed under this head.)

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

The general public appears to be under the impression that voluntary enrollments in the Naval Reserve Force ceased on December 15th, and that, after that date, all men of draft age, not previously enrolled in the Naval Reserve Force are ineligible. This belief has caused the naval authorities of this district considerable concern in view of the fact that the Second Naval District is in need of at least 1,500 additional men for its Naval Reserve Force. If, therefore, you would be willing to publish an article in your columns correcting this general impression, you would not only be doing a service to the public, but assisting us in securing additional men which we need for our branch of the service.

The information which this office has in regard to the enrolment of men in the Naval Reserve Force after December 15, is based on Section 1515, subparagraph by the War Department, and is as follows:

1. Section 151, Selective Service Regulations, does not prevent registrants who may be place in Class 1 from enlisting in the navy or marine corps after December 15, 1917.


2. A registrant who has been classified in Class 1 may enlist in the navy if his liability order number is such that he is not within the current quota of his local board under a present call.

3. "All officers and enlisted men of the naval militia, naval reserve" etc., are in the naval service of the United States. See note 3 to Rule XII at Page 40, Selective Service Regulations.

The provision of sub-paragraph (a) of Section 151, Selective Service Regulations means that any registrant may enlist in the navy or marine corps after December 15, 1917, upon presentation to a recruiting officer of a certificate showing that his order number is so low (whether he is in Class 1 or in a deferred Class),k that he is not within the current quota of his local board under a present and existing call. ORSON D. MUNN, lieutenant (JG), U.S. N. R. F., District Enrolling Officer.
