


The new winter schedule of drill announced last month will begin this afternoon with the special Military Science 2 work at 4 o'clock. The drill for companies G and H, scheduled for this morning, has been postponed to some later date. All drills will take place in the Cambridge Municipal Drill Hall and the baseball cage. The former building is situated near the police headquarters of Brattle Square.

Drill for Military Science 2 will continue as usual on Thursday afternoons at 4 o'clock. A new list of assignments to platoons has been posted at Military Headquarters. Captain F. Parkman will act as assistant to Major C. C. Lane, and Captains G. A. Brownell, C. Canfield, J. H. Quirin and A. Perkins will command the four platoons. The first two platoons will drill in the cage, and the other two in the Municipal Hall.

Companies A, C, E, G, I and L drill regularly in the Municipal Hall, and all the others in the cage. The hours are as follows: A and B on Tuesdays from 4 until 6 o'clock, and C and D on Friday at the same hours; E. F, G and H on two mornings apiece from 7.30 to 8.30 o'clock, E and F on Mondays and Wednesdays, G and H on Tuesdays and Thursdays; I and K on Monday afternoons from 4 to 6 o'clock, and L and M on Wednesdays at the same time.

Captain R. G. Fuller, Regimental Adjutant, went to Washington yesterday to take up a position in the Intercollegiate Intelligence Bureau. This bureau supplies all departments of the Government with college men who are especially fitted for certain branches of Government work. After the war it will also provide occupations for men leaving the Army. His successor as adjutant has not been named.

Lieutenant-Colonel J. A. Lowell Blake '02, of the Massachusetts State Guard, has been assigned to the University R, O. T. C., and will take up his work in the Commandant's office.
