


It is with a feeling of great satisfaction with those of us who have ever contended that the sport of football was one which bred real men, that we find in this time of emergency of the country our gridiron heroes, practically en masse, have gone to the colors. Last year's Yale and Harvard teams which played at the Yale Bowl before some 80,000 spectators, are now divided in the service as follows:


Moseley, l.e., Lafayette Escadrille, France; Church, r.e., Sergeant, Aviation Section, A. E. F., France; Gates, l.t., Aviation Section, U. S. N. R. F.; Black, l.g., U. S. N. R. F., Newport, R. I.; Callahan, c., U. S. N. R. F., Newport, R. I.; Fox, r.g., Second Lieutenant, U. S. R. Field Artillery; Baldridge, r.t., Captain, U. S. R. Field Artillery; Comerford, r.e., American Ambulance Corps, France; Laroche, q.b., American Ambulance Corps, France; Neville, l.h.b., Second Lieutenant, U. S. R. Field Artillery; LeGore, r.h.b., Lieutenant, U. S. Marine Corps, France; Jacques, f.b., Officer in Ordnance Corps.


Harte, r.e., Captain, U. S. R. Heavy Artillery; Phinney, r.e., Ensign, U. S. N. R. F., Annapolis; Batchelder, r.e., Ensign, U. S. Navy; Caner, r.t., Ambulance Service, France; Sweetser, r.t., Ensign School, Harvard; Snow, r.g., Ensign School, Harvard; Harris, c., Captain, U. S. R., Camp Devens; Wiggin, c., Lieutenant, U. S. R., Camp Devens; Dadmun, l.g., A. F. Corps, France; Wheeler, lt., Ensign, U. S. Navy; Coolidge, l.e., Captain, Infantry, U. S. R., Camp Devens; Robinson, q.b., Lieutenant, U. S. R., Camp Devens; Murray, q.b., U. S. Naval Reserves; Felton, q.b., Ensign School, Harvard; Horween, r.h.b., Naval Reserves, Aviation Corps; Willcox, r.h.b., Ensign, Naval Reserve, Aviation Corps; Thacher, l.h.b., U. S. R., Camp Devens; Casey, f.b., U. S. Naval Reserves; Minot, f.b., Lieutenant, U. S. R., Camp Devens.


And this is equally true of the other colleges and universities throughout the broad land. The writer has had an opportunity, owing to his Government work at the Naval Stations, to see that wherever there is a naval station there in the blue uniform and wearing it with the same spirit that they formerly wore the jersey or the canvas jacket, are our players, not alone of last year, but of the earlier periods.

We are once more proving that the lights of song and story in the present generation, even as in that of the olden times, shone most brightly over brave men. "And brighter lights shone o'er fair women and brave men." And there seems to be a reason for it. A social scientist, 40 years ago, said that the greatest nation of the future would be the one that could send the most men to the top of the Matterhorn. He was assailed by many with questions as to what he meant and whether he placed physical qualities and strength and the physique above the artistic and literary. But the events of the last four years have been showing more and more clearly what he had in mind, and what qualities a nation must possess, even in this 20th century itself, in order even to live. Perhaps the millenium will some time come, but it is manifest that today bravery and physical qualities are essential to the very life and existence of any nation. This is the reason why we must make our men--all of them--more fit and enduring, more able to withstand hardships. Our college athlete is the fighting type. His spirit, his arms, his legs, are good. The only point where we have in a measure failed is in his setup, the deepening of his chest and the better development of his trunk for suppleness, action and resistive force. That is a point we are remodeling today and the athlete of the future will be more the all-around man and the average man in college will have more of the possibilities of the athlete
