Regular practice for both informal University and Freshman oarsmen will commence on Monday, February 11, when all interested in rowing will report to Coach Haines at the Locker Building between 3 and 5 o'clock. During the mid-year period Coach Haines will be at the Locker Building every afternoon except Saturday from 3 to 5 o'clock for individual instruction of all who care to report. This year the rowing squads will be more like an athletic class, with especial emphasis on the physical development of the oarsmen.
Newell Boathouse will not be open until spring because of the fuel shortage. When the squad reports the rowing tank, however, will be opened, even though the remainder of the building is not heated. Several sets of rowing machines have recently been transferred from Newell to the Locker Building.
Rowing for upper classmen will be conducted on the informal basis similar to the other sports. With the Freshmen, however, the usual plans are being made, the season probably ending with a race against the Yale freshmen eight the latter part of May.
Candidates for the managership of the Freshman crew will also report February 11. The competition will be short, lasting seven or eight weeks, when the manager and his assistant, both of whom receive their numerals, will be selected.
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Fencing Instruction Meeting at 4.30