The Yale-Harvard Freshman relay race, scheduled tentatively for a week from today, has been definitely settled for that date by word received from the Yale track management. The race will be a part of the B. A. A. annual indoor championships in Mechanics Building, Boston, which are held each year on the first Saturday of February. Coach Donovan has already selected five men from whom to choose the four who will run against the New Haven team. They are D. F. O'Connell '21, captain of the 1921 cross-country team last fall, C. A. Page '21, A. W. Douglass '21, J. M. B. Churchill '21 and C. H. Baldwin '21. Of this number the four who make the best showing in the time trials to be held next week will compose the 1921 quartet that will race on February 2.
A practice race was held yesterday on the board track at Soldiers Field between a team composed of four Freshmen: C. A. Page, J. M. B. Churchill, C. H. Baldwin and F. L. A. Cady, and one composed of three members of the informal squad: D. J. Duggan '20, B. Lewis '20, captain of the informal cross-country team last fall, L. B. Evans '20, and one Freshman, A. W. Douglass '21. The race was won easily by the informals over the regulation 1,560-yard distance. The next practice run for 1921 will be staged on Soldiers Field next Tuesday afternoon, when they will meet Boston College relay runners for the second time.
Informals Entered in Meet.
The informal relay team has been entered in the B. A. A. meet to race against M. I. T. In preparation for this meet Coach Donovan has been directing the squad daily in relays around the track. The most promising of the candidates for the informal four are B. Lewis '20, D. J. Duggan, '20, L. B. Evans '20, W. H. Goodwin '20, C. R. Larrabee '19 and F. F. Williams '20.
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7 Changes in List of New Courses.