

Quit the Pretense.

There are signs that the so-called, but not always proven, "Big Three" among the athletic colleges, Princeton, Yale and Harvard, are about to come back into the fold of genuine sport competitions in various forms this year. Princeton has already announced its change, and Harvard seems about to do so at an early date. Yale will have to follow.

This is excellent. All the argument is for athletic competitions among the colleges at this war era. There is no reason in the world why the colleges cannot do their fitted part in the great contest and have athletics at the same time. In fact, the one will be better for the other.

But let us hope that the silly pretense of "informality" will be dropped, and that the "Big Three" will honestly and courageously take their chances with the other colleges that are also doing fully as much in the war, according to numbers, as they are. --Boston Herald
