New additions have been made to the staff of military instructors at Princeton University. Word has been received by President Hibben from French Ambassador Jusserand that Lieutenant Defourmestraux of the French Army will be detailed to the Princeton Battalion, as an instructor, beginning his duties the first week of the second term. In addition, a Canadian officer and a United States Army sergeant of the Ordnance Department have been ordered to report for service with the university corps, and they, in conjunction with the French lieutenant, will assist in the training of the student soldiers.
While Princeton has thus been increasing its teaching corps, Yale has been forced to accept a reduction of its faculty. That the war is exacting its toil of professors as well as of students is indicated by the recent leaves of absence granted to members of the New Haven teaching staff to engage in Government service. The tariff commission has called Dr. Bidwell as it called Professor Taussig of the University; a British committee of information has asked for the services of Professor Canby, who will represent American interests in the work to be performed; the City War Bureau has summoned Professor Tracy; and Dr. Garver will soon embark for France, where he will act as interpreter with the American Expeditionary Force. Other resignations were also accepted by the Yale Corporation.
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7 Changes in List of New Courses.