
Reserve Officers' Training Corps

Jan. 14, 1918.


1. In accordance with the Act of Congress, approved May 4, 1916, "To increase the number of cadets at the Military Academy," this University is entitled to nominate one candidate to take a competitive examination for admission to West Point. The candidate to be eligible must be between the ages of 21 and 27 years at the date of admission (June 14, 1918), and not less than five feet five inches in height. The candidate must also be a graduate of this University whose attainments in scholarship have been so marked as to receive the approbation of the President, and his proficiency in military training and knowledge and intelligent attention to duty must have merited the approbation of the Commandant. The candidate must also be a citizen of the United States, unmarried, of exemplary habits and good moral character. Anyone desiring to take advantage of this opportunity will at once apply at this office to the Commandant.

2. Rehearsals of the Band will be held each Tuesday evening until further notice at Sanders Theatre. The Bandmaster will report attendance on the day after each rehearsal to the Disciplinary Officer at this office.

By order of Major Flynn:   J. A. L. BLAKE,   Lt. Col., M. S. G., Acting Adjutant.
