This evening the Student Council will meet to discuss the question of setting the daily schedule of the University back one hour in order that a corresponding amount of coal energy in the form of electric lights may be saved at the end of the day. The proposition is to secure the effects of turning back the hands of the University clocks without actually disturbing any of those venerable chronometers. If the Council approves of the measure, it will be brought before the Faculty, who will in all probability give it their support.
There are several reasons that this shift in the working hours of the University be made. Primarily, of course, it will economize coal; the eventual result will be for all undergraduates to get up and go to bed an hour earlier, and thereby to substitute an hour of inexpensive sunlight for expensive kilowatts and calories. Then, too, if Mr. Storrow's program is followed there will be fewer reasons for late hours than formerly--and "early to bed and late to rise" would surely be an ill advised principle, although the fuel administration may seem to advocate it.
The results of the proposed plan might be better secured by actually turning back the clocks, but it would be impossible for the University alone to attempt that method. An alteration of the schedule, however, would be practical and economical. It is safe to anticipate favorable action in regard to the matter by the Student Council this evening, and there is no reason to believe that the Faculty will not be similarly disposed.
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7 Changes in List of New Courses.