

A New "Tech." Class.

One effect of the war is certain to be of interest to all alumni of the Institute of Technology and to young men who are willing to do an extra amount of work in order to get through their course the sooner. In brief, the demand for technical men is so great that the Institute is planning not only to run all summer for the upper classes, but to take in a brand new freshman class in February made up of "picked men, gluttons for punishment," as one of the officials puts it, who, by October, will have completed their regular freshman work and will then go on as sophomores, four full terms without a break.

There is no doubt that the "gluttons for work," as aforesaid, will be found. The advantages of getting a full "Tech" course in three years or less will appeal to many boys willing to test their mettle in such a scheme. It will not only help them, but will hasten the country's needed supply of Technology trained men. --Boston Post.
