


Applications from members of the Class of 1919 for rooms in the Senior dormitories must be in the hands of the Senior dormitory committee by next Monday evening, January 21, at 6 o'clock, when the drawing of lots for assignments of rooms will take place. On every afternoon until that date there will be a member of the committee in Randolph 37 from 4 to 6 o'clock to give out applications and to furnish information about the dormitories. The signed applications for rooms are also to be returned to Randolph 37.

Office hours have been kept each afternoon during the past week, but very few members of the Junior class have availed themselves of the opportunity to make application for rooms next year. The Senior dormitory committee wishes to impress upon the Junior class the fact that President Lowell is exceedingly desirous that the custom of the Seniors living as a group in the Yard buildings shall not be discontinued because of the war. This custom of democratic distribution of residence in the Senior year has now become firmly established and it is felt that everything should be done to insure the continuance of the scheme next year.

Last year over 300 members of 1918 made application for rooms in the five halls, Hollis, Holworthy, Matthews, Stoughton and Thayer. For the year 1918-1919, the committee has decided not to consider Matthews within this group and to limit the peculiarly Senior buildings to the remaining four halls which form a close and homogeneous group at one end of the Yard.

It has been advised that the Juniors form in groups, the largest of which may contain 12 men, with not more than two men in a room; for the larger groups are given the preference in the allotment. All men who entered College with the Class of 1919 or who finish their course in the college year of 1918-19 are eligible to make application. Requests for rooms containing ineligible names will receive no recognition by the committee. In filing applications, men are asked to indicate their first preference and at least 20 other selections that they may obtain desired locations.

Every Junior, whether he intends to return to College next year or not, should file his applications for rooms in the Senior dormitories so that in any eventuality he may have accommodations reserved for him. If the man is called into service, his application will be canceled by the College, and he will not be held responsible for the rent of the room.


The Senior dormitory committee consists of the following members of the Class of 1919, from whom information concerning the dormitories may be obtained: R. E. Gross, chairman; E. A. Hill, R. Hoffman, R. McA. Lloyd, W. W. McLeod, W. R. Odell, J. H. Quirin, M. A. Taylor, Jr., B. W. Thoron, F. M. Warburg
