

Feed the Birds--Win the War.

The deep snow covers their usual food-insects' eggs and larvae and the seeds of weeds--and they will starve unless we feed them.

Give them "hayseed," chaff from the barn floor, crumbs, scraps of meats, bones, and suet, anything eatable, and they will repay you a thousand fold by their work in the garden and the orchard.

Do it now! Fasten the meat scraps and suet securely to the trees and see how eagerly the chickadees and wood-peckers go to it. Tread the snow down hard and scatter the hayseed and crumbs there, or put the food on a board or box and watch the juncoes and tree sparrows fill up. Put out chaff and grain for the quail and meadowlarks in the pasture. They work for us all summer long, eating insects.

Keep it up while the snow lasts. It is a patriotic duty. Food will win the war, and more birds mean better crops and more food for us and our fighting men. If you want to know more about feeding and protecting birds, write to Winthrop Packard, secretary, The Massachusetts Audubon Society, 66 New bury street, Boston, Mass.
