
R. O. T. C. Men at Fort Riley

targets. An elaborate course in bayonet work was also inaugurated as the officers had received little or no instruction in the manual now in general use on the Western Front. A system of trenches patterned after those at Fresh Pond was outlined and trench duties including the mechanism of relief's were explained fully. Much time was present, too, in the organization of French platoons and in drilling them in the various formations used in the regimental exercises at Barre.

Lectured on Trench Warfare.

In the evening, members of the "mission" gave a series of lectures on trench warfare, based on the book by Cok Azan, treating the various phases of the subject. Patterson, who had received training in the Yale Battery at New Haven, spoke on the uses and importance of modern artillery.

The R. O. T. C. men themselves attended a school for the officers at which lieut. Col Williams of the 356th Infantry lectured on company administration.
